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Digital Signature Using Adobe Acrobat Sign Integration

In the digital age, where the pace of operations is fast and the need for security and compliance with legal regulations is constantly growing, digital signatures are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to traditional handwritten signatures.

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Task management applications - a key to efficiency and success

Nowadays effective task management is the key to any company’s success, in the dynamic business environment.

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Applications personalisation as exemplified by CRM: How does the use of JPA and specification helps managing investments and contractors

In an era of digital transformation, web and mobile applications have to be more and more advanced and flexible, in order to meet the growing demands of the market.

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Test scenarios as an element of the project management process as exemplified by the financial system

Manual tests are part of the software quality assurance process. They help to identify errors, evaluate usability and ensure that the product meets clients expectations.

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Spring Boot Cache optimisation and management

Spring Boot caching is a powerful tool, if used correctly, can significantly increase the performance and scalability of an application. Choosing the right cache provider and conscious management of it are key to achieving optimal results.

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Mapping complex objects using MapStruct

As the complexity of project increases, the benefits of using MapStruct are even clearer. It allows us to enhance productivity, avoid problems related to mapping and deliver better and more reliable applications to customers and users.

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Advantages of NextJS

NextJS is a framework constructed on a basis of React for programmers, who care about high positioning of their application in the search results of the browser, and also about very good optimisation of the constructed system.

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React Router – everything you need to know

In today’s article I will describe the basics of React Router, which is the most popular external library in React. It is responsible for our menu (navigation) in the application.

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TypeScript on the Frontend: Enhancing Security and Performance in the Project

In this article, I will present you a practical guide for frontend developers, who would like to know the advantages of TypeScript and understand, which problems it can solve in a traditional JavaScript code.

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How to use ModelMapper with more complex objects in Spring Boot Java.

ModelMapper is a great library for object mapping in java. With simple objects there is no need to configure anything. You just have to ensure field names are the same and library will handle the rest. The issue arises with nested objects you have to flatten or project.

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Good UI and about human-computer, human-mobile interactions.

Designing a thoughtful and effective layout of our application or system is related to the guidelines for computer-computer interaction, i.e. Human-Computer Interaction, and in the case of human-mobile device interaction - Human-Mobile Interaction.

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Building a model for a streaming platform - the world of games teaches communication

Streaming is nothing more than sharing content using streaming technology. Currently, there are many platforms on the market that offer streaming for their users. It has become very popular to stream your own screen during the game. It is also a very profitable procedure - professional streamers earn unimaginably large sums of money thanks to streaming.

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Estimating the cost of application. What factors affect the costs mostly?

Are you intending to create an application and do not know what the costs will be? Do you want to know the price without providing any details? The price depends on many factors.

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User-Centered Design as the basic method of determining user needs in the design process

The term User-Centered Design stands for user-centered design. In practice, it is an approach to interactive systems development that aims to make systems usable by focusing on users, their needs and requirements.

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Generic controllers and services in Spring Boot Java

Ever got that feeling, that you are writing the same thing over and over again? Logic behind your controllers and services are basically the same? That's a sign you can create more general approach with generics. Pros? You can keep your sanity and you keep your code DRY.

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Everything you need to know before starting a new project in React

When starting a new project using the React library, you should ask yourself what it really is and what it is for. In this article I will try to include explain...

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How to create multilingual exception messages in Java Spring Boot

In some cases you may want to display exception messages on your website. Depending on how descriptive your message is, user can learn what happened and how to proceed. If your website supports only one language solution is simple. But what if your website supports multiple languages?

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Contract for the implementation of a mobile application and a web application - what should it contain, what should be noted?

Each party strives to make the provisions as favorable as possible for them, but the old proverb says that "business is successful when each party is satisfied ..."

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Ultimate Systems - Top Developers in Poland 2020 - Clutch

Companies of all sizes struggle to best improve your brand image, and keep your clients happy, it’s important to provide effective solutions to fit their needs. If you’re not sure how to begin this journey, Ultimate Systems is a great first step.

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4 basic principles of object-oriented programming in JavaScript

Object-oriented programming is a programming style that focuses on objects, not functions. Let's take a simple example of a car that is an object with properties such as model, color, and methods...

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The 7 best tips from a productive developer

Staying a productive developer is not an easy task. It's a stressful job that can make you lose concentration quickly or make you feel exhausted...

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PHP or Java - how to choose the right technology for an IT project?

The choice of technology for the implementation of an IT project, e.g. a CRM system, is the most important stage in the entire project. Why? The reason is actually very simple. The slightest mistake here will haunt both the executing and commissioning team throughout the project life cycle.

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Wireframe, mockup and prototype - From sketch to interaction

Designing websites and applications is a multi-stage process. One of them is the user experience design stage, in which wireframes, mockups and prototypes play a key role. But what exactly is it and how is it different?

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Open Source (OS) - Custom Software Development

What are the key benefits of Open Source solutions?

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SaaS - Software as a Service

Will the solution offered by the competition work in our case? Are we sure we have the same business processes and development strategy as other companies? If you know the answer to these questions, why are you going this way?

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SaaS vs Dedicated System

In the beginning there is an e-mail. Then Excel. But with time it ceases to be enough for us. We are considering new possibilities: a dedicated system or a ready-made SaaS model? Which solution is cheaper, faster and will bring more benefits?

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UX and UI design - what's the difference?

UX and UI are two terms that are often confused or used interchangeably, but actually mean something else entirely. How exactly are they different?

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"Api yapi" - IT dictionary for IT beginners

The phrase "api yapi" used in the title was the expression of our client spoken enthusiastically while we were talking about the API with his IT specialist.

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"To be a woman, to be a woman" – a female programmer in the world of male programmers

The IT and new technologies industry are one of the fastest growing professional areas. This sector is statistically more crowded with men and it is them who are most often associated with the position of IT specialist or programmer.

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