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The IT and new technologies industry are one of the fastest growing professional areas. This sector is statistically more crowded with men and it is them who are most often associated with the position of IT specialist or programmer. This is due to the fact that professions requiring knowledge of exact sciences are stereotypically more suited to men than women. Is it really so, does gender really matter and how does a woman find herself in this "male world"?
Of course, looking at the composition of development teams, the number of women is usually smaller, but very significant. They introduce a new experience, a completely different way of thinking and approach to the subject. This cooperation brings great results due to the fact that they complement each other. Personally, I think that most women are afraid of IT and underestimate their skills. As a result, they themselves become an obstacle to start working in this industry. And yet they are great for it! They are just as intelligent and resourceful.
Willingness and faith are your abilities as the first steps to enter the world of computer science. Professionalism, doing your job well, and simply being a specialist is what matters mostly. It is important that recently many websites and online groups have been created to support the role of women in IT, which at the same time try to persuade them to take up work in this field. It is certainly worth the courage, as there are many benefit. Between many advantages are the possibility of remote work, which allows you to combine your professional career with family life. In the context of the social role of women, work does not require a career break after starting a family and having a child. Jobs can be done from home, and many companies offer flexible working hours. An additional advantage is the relaxed atmosphere in the office and satisfactory earnings. Importantly, this field does not require specific studies. Practical skills matter. So IT offers opportunities that should be used.
I think that for this reason many people decide to change their career path towards IT. I personally am an example of this. In the third year of studies preparing for work in government administration, I took up the second major - IT. I admit that this time was not idyllic and required a lot of work. I've seen people quit or fail. Importantly, they were both men and women. After graduation, it was time for my first job. It did not rely directly on programming. It was only part of my duties, but thanks to this I was able to try out many areas - programming, creating graphic designs, positioning, as well as internet marketing. Out of all this, I chose to write code and started working as a typical front-end developer. The beginnings were tough and hard work, but that's true in any industry. The important thing is not to give up and keep developing your skills. Currently, I am involved in large projects for key brands. I deal with the frontend layer, and my knowledge in the field of technology is constantly changing and I expand it with new frameworks. My job allows me to constantly develop.
Programming is not an easy thing that you can learn quickly but spending some time on tough study has significant benefits. It is certainly a difficult and demanding job, but it is not unattainable. Information provided on the Internet, books and courses helps to solve any problem. In addition, there is also the support of the team, whose knowledge and experience should be used. The biggest mistake made at the very beginning is not asking questions. This leads to making mistakes and adopting bad habits that can later become problematic.
One more point remains for explanation. Is IT really "male world"? If we take into account the number of men, it certainly is. In this situation, establishing friendly relations with colleagues, may turn out to be problematic sometimes. Suppose purely male subjects, such as sports or mechanics, reign supreme. It is difficult for the average woman to express herself and gain acceptance from the group. The situation can lead to some kind of isolation, but based on my experience, I would consider it temporary. Personally, working in a male team, I have not encountered exclusion or discrimination. These are too serious words. It is obvious that we are not always interested in the same topics, we have different views on the problem and different priorities, but this is the case in human relations. It is not rooted in gender.
Trends do change more and more over time. The role of women tends to increase, which can be seen in the number of applications for specific positions, as well as in the composition of IT related teams. More and more women are participating in programming forums and are also active in this type of activity. Many of them have already been successful in this industry, which can only be a driving force for others. The world of IT and new technologies could be considered masculine in the past. Over time, the differences blur and the proportions of employees will certainly level out.
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