Get an estimate
In some cases you may want to display exception messages on your website. Depending on how descriptive your message is, user can learn what happened and how to proceed. If your website supports only one language, solution is simple. But what if your website supports multiple languages? This tutorial will show you how to do it in java and Spring Boot.
Let's create file that will store our messages.
invalid-param = Value {0} is incorrect! no-access = You have no access to this resource!
This file will contain translations for our default language. We have to call it and place it in our resources folder. Additionally we have to disable fallback to system locale. In your place this line:
If we want to add other language, create similar file named for example:
@Getter public class BadRequestException extends RuntimeException{ private final Object[] args; private final String messageName; public BadRequestException(String messageName, Object[] args){ super(messageName); this.messageName = messageName; this.args = args; } }
This exception is a template for all responses with status Bad Request. Fields messageName and args are used for getting message from our resource file. I have added Getter annotation from Lombok to generate getters. We can use this exception directly or create exception that extends it.
public class InvalidParamException extends BadRequestException{ public InvalidParamException( String param) { super("invalid-param", new Object[]{param} ); } }
@RestController @RequestMapping("/api") public class Controller { @GetMapping("/test/{param}") public ResponseEntity testExceptionWithParam(@PathVariable String param){ if(param.equals("Secret")){ return ResponseEntity.ok().body("Congratulations! You have found this secret message!"); }else{ throw new InvalidParamException(param); } } @GetMapping("/test") public ResponseEntity testSimpleException(){ throw new BadRequestException("no-access", new Object[]{}); } }
@RestControllerAdvice public class ResponseExceptionHandler extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler { private final MessageSource messageSource; public ResponseExceptionHandler(MessageSource messageSource) { this.messageSource = messageSource; } @ExceptionHandler({BadRequestException.class}) protected ResponseEntity handleBadRequestException(BadRequestException exception, Locale locale){ String messageName = exception.getMessageName(); Object[] args = exception.getArgs(); String message = messageSource.getMessage(messageName, args, locale); return ResponseEntity.badRequest().body(message); } }