Aplikacje Mobilne Aplikacje Mobilne


Dachy Regamet is one of the leading manufacturers of roof metal cladding and trapezoidal sheets in Poland. The company was established in 1991 in Mielec and since then it has been successively developing. In 1995 the company started the production of trapezoidal sheets and in 2003 production roof metal cladding. Since 2005, the company has been receiving the Business Gazelle statuette for several years, which is awarded to the most dynamically developing company. In 2009, Dachy Regamet took the third place in the Forbes Diamonds ranking. In addition, the company received distinctions of the Building Leader of Podkarpacie Region and the Trustworthy Company.


From the very beginning of the work on the program assumptions, simplicity of use and intuitiveness ware the main objective. The program was supposed to be friendly to people over 40 years of age who do not operate new technologies on a daily basis. Fast and easy user registration was another priority. Moreover, an important element of the task was to integrate the program with Comarch Optima sales program. Thanks to the combination of programs, points collected by the roofers will be added automatically immediately after the sale.


The main objective of creating a loyalty system was the unmanned automation of purchase and sales processes between the roofer and Regamet. Thanks to the program, roofers have access to the system and can check the status of points and convert them into rewards. The system is additionally linked to the invoicing program, so that after each purchase the user points are updated.

Course of cooperation:


We got acquainted with the needs of the company and prepared an audit on this basis. Due to the steadily growing number of sales outlets, we had to take into account the system development and its further scalability.


Based on the initial premises, a detailed specification taking into account the presented facts has been developed.


While preparing the functional model, we have started programming the core of the application. Each module of the functional model was discussed at weekly meetings with the sales director, board member and employees. In result, a complete map of processes as the basis for further work has been prepared.


All parts of the functional model have been designed, coded and connected to the back-end part.


The next stage was internal testing, accompanied by the creation of a test version for Regamet employees.


After considering all the comments, the application has been installed and implemented for commercial use.


Catalogue of prizes

Ultimate Systems - Regamet

Most important system functions

Katalog nagrod

After logging in to the system, the roofer has access to all the prizes that can be exchanged for the points. The number of points accrued for purchases is updated each time the roofer makes a purchase in a traditional store and is displayed at the top of the application. The system provides for a possibility to choose prizes and exchange points. If the number of points is not sufficient, it is possible to exchange all available points and pay the lacking amount.

Benefits for customer:

Increase in sales by tying the customer to the company

Increase in sales by tying the customer to the company.

Automation of purchasing processes

Automation of purchasing processes.

Expansion of the customers’ portfolio

Expansion of the customers’ portfolio.

Conversion of points into prizes

Conversion of points into prizes.

Access to the system 24h/7

Access to the system 24h/7.

Integration with the invoicing system

Integration with the invoicing system.

Bonuses to best customers

Bonuses to best customers.

Possibility of setting sales targets

Possibility of setting sales targets.

Technologies used:













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